My little bro !

I personally don't have Diabetes My brother had it he was a Type 1 Diabetic and his name was Ricky Uballe you ask if diabetes changed me, then I say yes it has I lost my brother to diabetes July 29th 2013 this year I watched him battle this sickness for 15 years until the bitter end one thing my brother did not like is when people or family would ask him about his sugar levels for the day one thing he always told us was "don't worry about it...I've got it" or "hey I don't need help " and he would lie about the reading and say it was fine so that we didn't question it . So now I must continue my life with out my best friend and brother.

I will continue to carry where my brother left off and I Plan to continue being a Advocate for Diabetes Awareness I also plan to do annual benefit's in his honor on his birthday with a percentage of the proceeds going to the Diabetes Awareness. I have created a Face Book page for my brother when he took ill it was the last 2 years of his life when I started this story so many people came from everywhere sharing their story's with me, people I never met before told me how my brother's story changed the way the take care of themselves with diabetes it's story's like these that keep me going if I can touch the live's of one person with my story then it was all worth it to me.

*** In Loving Memory of Ricky Uballe

Thank you for time Regards, David Uballe

Manteca, CA