my life with type 1 diabetes

my name is Renee. When I was very small up until I was 21 I wet the bed. I could not enjoy sleep overs with friends for the fear of wetting the bed. I was always thirsty and tired and everyone thought I was lazy. My mom had me checked out, but nobody could ever figure it out so they insisted I was normal and lazy. I gained weight from sleeping all the time. I had the worlds worst mood swings and I do not remember a lot of them because I blacked out through the worst of them all. My family was afraid to be around me. Finally in 2002 I had a miscarriage and the doctor said I had high blood sugar, but it was probably due to pregnancy. Several miscarriages later and I have a beautiful 3 year old daughter.

In 2009 I became very ill and I was sweating and very sick. I went to the MEA clinic where he found my blood sugars monitoring HIGH. He sent me to the Emergency room and then from there I began to see my endocrinologist. She has been by my side through all of this. She diagnosed me as type 2 and noticed my pregnancy went excellent with the insulin. They tried oral medication after my daughter was born and my sugars ran in the 300s. She switched me back to insulin and I did great.

june 2012 I became sick with virus which caused my sugars to spike to the 400s. They found ketones and admitted me and this is where I learned I was type 1 and had been many years and how fortunate I am to be here to tell my story. I could not do this without my husband and my daughter. He has stuck beside me with each mood swing or set back and knows just what to do to help me through it. My daughter helped by being born to show me I was stronger than diabetes.

Renee Cornette
Natchez, MS