My Life...The Craziest Rollercoaster I Have Ever Been On

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes back in 2008 when I switched doctors. I was shocked. It ran in my family but neither my brother or sister ended up with it. I came to find out that problems had been showing up in my blood work since I was 14 but went undiagnosed because the doctors never paid attention to it. At 20 years old, I was told not only was I diabetic but I also had polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypertension, hypothiroidism and hypertrigliceridism. My entire life changed in a second. They started me on 12 meds per day some multiple times a day and told me I had to eat different, check my sugar, and see what felt like 10 different doctors on the regular. It effected everything. Because i had so many problems, they seriously interacted with one another and my blood sugar was out if control all the time. I was depressed because I couldn't be healthy and I tried so hard to be. I measured all my food, took my meds and still couldn't control anything. Diabetes controlled me.

A year ago, i went to the doctor for back pain. I ended up being admitted to the hospital with an A1c of 9.8 and an average blood sugar of almost 300. My triglicerides soared over 8500 and my cholesterol hit 1000 due to a reaction of one of my meds. The pain was from acute pancreatitis and my body almost shut down. I was there for 10 days not allowed to eat or drink and I could barely walk. I now take two types of insulin in addition to my meds and check my sugar 5 times a day. The hospital was a nightmare and I had scares on plenty of occasions but I am thankful because they said if I had waited any longer, I would be dead. I am happy to say that since, I am healthy and in control of my life and my diabetes. To everyone struggling out there, you CAN do it. Just have hope.

Danbury, CT