My Journey with Diabetes

Here is a little bit of back story. I am very stubborn. I like to do things for myself. I do not like to ever ask for help.
July 20th 2012 is when I found out that I have type 1 Diabetes. I knew for about 8 months that something was wrong. I started drinking liquids more frequently. That went on for a few months and then I noticed that I was going to the bathroom for frequently and then after several months I noticed that I had lost a lot of weight. I had also been throwing up every single day exactly two hours after I ate breakfast. I was may of 2012 and I had lost 22 pounds and was drinking about 3 gallons of water and day and going to the bathroom every hour. I had also noticed that my urine smelled like honey when I went to the bathroom. I thought to myself there is definitely something wrong with me.
I was sitting in my Biology Lecture class and we were talking about Diabetes and the different types. I knew that material like that back of my hand. Diabetes runs in my family like water. At least one person on each side of the family has or had every different type. There was a student in the class who has Diabetes that shared his story with us. I went home and told my mother that I thought I could have Diabetes. She told me to go to the doctors. Me being stubborn I didn't. It wasn't until July that I finally did. The process started 2 days before. The doctor gave me a prescription for insulin and my testing supplies. If it would not have been for my Diabetes team now I wouldn't be here today.

Salena Wilson
wheeling, WV