My Inspirational Son- Grant

A week prior to my son's 5th birthday I noticed that he had mosquito bites that did not seem to heal quickly, a glassy look to his beautiful blue eyes and a thirst that he was unable to satisfy. I had always been on the look out for signs of diabetes since his birthmother was a type 1, diagnosed a week after her 5th birthday and his birthfather was a type 2. We celebrated Grant's birthday in Spiderman style and the following morning went to our pediatrician. She confirmed what I already knew, told me to go home and pack for being gone 3-4 days and on our way to Akron Children's Hospital we went. After meeting with the diabetes teams, nutritionists, and Dr. Riley we were confident that we could handle this for our son. Grant was on shots for the first year and then at the age of 6 before he went to kindergarden he wanted to try the pump. Four years later I must say what an invention for diabetic patients. Grant can do everything that kids his age can do while also taking great care of himself and having freedom in his range of foods. He plays football, does karate and rides dirtbikes. There are days that we have our small melt-downs and he asks "why me" but we are firm in our belief that there will be a cure and pray for those who are not able to manage as well as we have been able to. His AIC runs around 7.4% consistently but that is from being diligent about eating right, exercising, and following his EzCarb and EzBG routine everyday. I love my son and I am so proud of what he has accomplished the past 5 years, and not letting diabetes hold him back.

Leetonia, OH