My hero Finnegan!

My son Finnegan was diagnosed with diabetes 6 years ago when he was just 2 years old. I realized my active toddler had something very wrong going on when he was always tired and his thirst was never satisfied. I brought him to the clinic and within 10 minutes of his appointment we were sent to the hospital. There I found out my little man had a terrible disease i had barely heard of. In the three days we were in the hospital, Finnegan had to endure dozens of finger pokes and insulin injections, just the very beginning of a life full of them. At the age of 3, Finnegan went through his honeymoon period involving a year of struggling with low blood sugar, seizures, ambulance rides and more hospital stays. Today, Finnegan is almost 9 and takes his own blood sugar counts carbs, and uses his insulin pump with very minimal assistance. I couldn't be prouder of my little warrior and he is truly my little hero. He may have diabetes, but diabetes does not have him!

Rachel Henderson
Virginia, MN