My diabetes

Hi, I'm Emma,
I'm 19 years old,
I got diagnosed with diabetes type 1, 4 months ago now,
It was a shock, even though i had every symptom for months,
You just don't expect these things to happen to you.
I got Admitted to hospital for 5 days, two of those days being
in emergancy. I seen 2 diaticians, 2 diabetes educators,
The head boss of medicine, I seen at least 15 different
People all trying to explain to me what was happening because
I had no clue on what diabetes does to you or anything.
I got out of hospital and struggled for a while with what to do,
I still now struggle as I need a little bit more information on my levels and
Things but am doing a DAFNE course in September to help me,
After finding out I had diabetes, 2 weeks later I then found out I have
Thyroid disease as well, which is another thing I didn't know a lot about.
I had probably the worst month of my life. Everything just came
Tumbling down in the matter of seconds. I felt like I was the only one
To deal with this, I felt like no one cared
Having diabetes is hard, all I worry about is if my levels are okay, &
What I can and can't eat, my levels are still all over the place,
I did want to be a chef, but being around food that some I couldn't eat
Would really frustrate me, not sure now on what I want to do as a courier.
Just wanted to share this story as, I do find it hard to live with this some days
It's frustrating & really does make me upset a lot of the time.
My hope is to get a cure one day :)

Yarrawonga, Australia