Living with Betes

The fight against "Betes" is not an easy one at all! It has not been an easy one for me in the last year since I was diagnosed. Diabetes does run in my family. I was diagnosed last June, I had symptoms, I noticed I had been feeling thirsty & felt like I couldn't get enough to drink, the excessive urination, so I went to the ER, and I was admitted, my blood sugar was 648!! I could have went into a coma or even died! I was in the hospital for 3 days until my blood sugar levels came down. My A1C was 11.1 at the time. I was then told I needed 2 different kinds of pills for my diabetes, Metformin & Amaryl, also put me on Vitamin D because my Vitamin D levels were low, & a high blood pressure medicine, Lisinopril & a cholesterol medicine Simvastatin. They also put me on insulin Novolog and Lantus. Well I had side effects after a week, muscle and joint pain and aches, and blurred vision to where I couldn't even read a book I was holding right in front of my face. I was never on any medications before all of this. My doctor tried to tell me it was just my body getting used to the medicine, and my vision was blurred because of how high my blood sugar levels were when I was in the hospital. Well even before I was diagnosed I never had any vision problems. So I made the choice to fight my "betes" with diet and exercise, and a lifestyle change. Well now 45-50 pounds lighter I have a stranglehold on my diabetes, winning the battle thus far. My A1C count on my last blood work was a 7 so that was much better. Which I am sure now it is even lower, since I have lost a lot of weight, and been exercising and eating healthier. The fight isn't easy but I choose life over death that is my story I wanted to share.

Charles Massie Jr
Pittsburgh, PA