I am constantly surprised at how many people suffer from type 1 or 2 and do not know that they are completely different diseases. The cure for one won't cure the other. Type 2 doesn't get bad and become type 1. There are so many misnomers about diabetes, what causes each type, cures, medication vs. insulin, good diabetes, bad diabetes, babies that are overweight or who's mothers ate sugar become type 1 diabetics, etc. We need to get the right information out there. Every type 1 diabetic needs to be in therapy to be able to handle everything on their full plate, every diabetic needs to be a part of the diabetes community in some way so they are not alone with this disease and they can learn from others as well.
My daughter was diagnosed at 20 months of age on October 20, 1992. Life is good but she suffers every single day. I pray every day for a cure...
Aventura, FL