Labrease's Story

It was 4 years ago that change our life forever, Labrease was 6 years old when he was diagnose with type1 diabetes:::: It was the year 2009 Christmas eve. I was in the kitchen getting the menu ready for christmas day and Labrease had been acting strange that whole day going to and from the bathroom and was doing a lot of drinking a lot more than usual.So I said to my self that something is not right, drop everything and got him dress and rush him to Palmetto Childrens hospital at first they didn't think anything was wrong with my son and they was about to send us home and then I ask them please to run some tests cause my son doesn't usually act this way so they did and when they came back and said your son has diabetes and it was extremely high, they started him on insulin drips and up to the intensive care we went. He was in the hospital for a week!!! But years has past by and now he is 10 years old and he takes 1 unit of novolog to every 15 gram of carbs after each meal and he takes lantus for his long acting insulin. He has to check his sugar 10 rimes a day. But with God help he is doing better and better each day. Praying for a cure.

columbia, SC