Just keep swimmin!

My name is Brandi and I was diagnosed with type 1 when I was just nine months old. I have had to deal with many obstacles with this disease which hasn't been easy! My daughter was born premature with health issues and last December my husband and I had to terminate our pregnancy because it was making me so sick that it was life or death for me.Not to mention the daily struggle of keeping blood sugars under control,and complications that have raised over the years.With all the hard situations that you go through as a diabetic, there is life that goes along with it, and it can be a good life if you choose for it to be. I didn't always take care of my self the way I should have and I deal with the consequences now, but I've learned that this disease doesn't have to be a death sentence. I've learned that your support team is extremely important. From your doctors to the people you surround yourself with. I couldn't imagine life with out my husband and daughters daily support. My husband could have walked out when things got tough but he hasn't he has stuck by my side with an unwavering love and support I couldn't have even imagined!It's very important to also educate your kids, my daughter grew up knowing all about diabetes!.My mom, I am in awe of her!I would not be here today without my moms willingness to take on such a tremendous and daily responsibility!She is my hero!My friends support has also been so very important to my health! Diabetes can be hard for some people to understand since it's not something you always "see", so having people in your corner is very important. Don't be afraid to always be open and honest about your disease, it helps people to know what your going through and understand. My advice to people who are newly diagnosed is to not be afraid, don't hide it, wear it proud! Talk about it, educate yourself and others! Rally people around you because your gonna need it!

Brandi Manuel-Calvo
Santa Cruz, CA