Journey of Wellness

I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes with an A1c of almost 9. I had two choices: 1) Continue on this path and get complications, or 2) Change my lifestyle. I decided to make some changes in my life for the better. Once I made up my mind to get better and to begin doing something about it, I have been able to lose weight, increase my muscle mass, and get off my diabetic meds. More importantly, my A1c has steadily been 3 points lower and is now around 6. These results are due to a constant monitoring of my food intake that includes greens, beans, and less meat, as well as, movement of some kind each day, and tai chi and yoga classes at least once a week. I certainly hope I have given you the motivation and inspiration to try this new journey of wellness for yourself. Be happy and stay well!

Camille LoParrino
Bronx, NY