In the beginning.

Maternal grandmother died of Diabetes and dropsy. Term used in the 1930's for what we now call Odema.. Such is the advance in Medical knowledge when diagnosed as being Diabetic, you have help to control the sugar levels It is said that such disorders occur in every other generation, so wasn't surprised when gettimg out of bed,found myself walking sideways into the wall instead of the door.Phoned the surgery for nurse to check my ear, thinking I might need a clear out. Nurse checked, found nothing amiss, but asked me for a water sample there and then. The sample was dark brown!.The nurse sent away for analysis and correct thinking I had developed latent Diabetes.
Subsequently with diet control and the nurse mentoring what was in my larder, I started a different Lifestyle . Nurse explained that only Garibaldi and Rich Tea biscuits were allowed, both of which I had never enjoyed. This Lifestyle went on for more years being checked by the nurse every six months. And that is how it has been during the last 15 yrs.The medication has been increased since the blood sugar level became higher.
An annual eye screening test ensued. However, approaching my 80th year, there has been more evidence of deterioration both in eyes and feet There are days when an acute tiredness overwhelms my energy level and frustratingly I know its time to rest from daily endeavours. Occassionally. I will allow myself a treat of the forbidden food, Visitors and family now understand my enforced Lifestyle because of Diabetes. All I can do is drool over them enjoying all the forbidden food when in my company
Fortunately I have Diabetes 2, so no need to have insulin injections. The nurse told me one time something that surprised me. When she checked the level with a finger prick. She told me that every thing I eat, regardless of sugar content actually turns into sugar straight away. Hence the medication.
I take heart that medical advancement is such that I can continue to have an acceptable Lifestyle if not a cure.
Mary Donnachie

Brandon, United Kingdom