I have Type 1 Diabetes, it doesn't have me!

At 15 I was diagnosed with Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. All I knew about the disease at the time was I was going to have to inject myself with insulin on a daily basis. Little did I know, it was going to be more challenging than that. Highs and lows, hospital stays, fainting spells, frequent doctors appointments, doing more damage to my body, bringing out other autoimmune diseases, and much more. It was and still is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with.

My parents are my support. Since the moment the doctor turned around, looked me in the eyes, and told me I was diabetic, they have been there for me. Ill never forget the night I was diagnosed. I cried myself to sleep. All I thought was that I am going to die from this. I didn't let anyone see me cry. I wanted people to think I was handling this well. During the first few months after being diagnosed, my weight dropped dramatically. I was extremely afraid to eat anything. My diet consisted of salads and water. I was making myself sicker than I already was. I wasn't getting the proper nutrients that my body needed. After learning and educating myself on what I could eat, my weight went back up and I was placed on the insulin pump. But still can't find control with my sugars no matter how hard I try.

Type 1 diabetes will never go away. People think its all about what you eat. The body is so sensitive that any type of stress, infection, inflammation, or hormone imbalance will set your sugars off. I wake up every day wishing I was cured. Because if I was cured, I could do what I want without hesitation. Feeling well is my biggest wish. Nausea, weakness, exhaustion etc. I'm sick of it. Everyone sees how you look on the outside, but no one sees what you feel on the inside. It's difficult, but I will keep on pushing through it!

I have type 1 diabetes, it doesn't have me!

Staten Island, NY