how I took control of my diabetis

I was diagniosed with diabetis about 5 years ago an could never get my sugar under control an my doctor put me on 2 differnt medication for controling my bloodsugar,an I still couldnt get it undercontrol then he put me on insulin an I never liked I started a reuteen with exercise I have to stress the exercise an a strict diet of lots of low carb vegie's,I have to have a very low carb diet an I exercise an keep a very active life style an no drinking alcahol,it will mess with your meds,I use the plate method an yes I pileup the vegie's so I feel full an very little carbs,but you will have to adjust this to your own needs,what works for me might not for you,so use precation at trying differnt things an find out what works for you,happy trying an get this undercontrol an take back control of your life

Illinois, Cuba