Fighting For A Cure

My names Jordan Moore known by the name Jyawdy.

I'm from New Zealand and I'm 19 years of age and was diagnosed with type one diabetes when I was 11 years old.

Although through the many struggles and ups and downs diabetes brings, I haven't let it stop me from doing what I love.
I loved to dance and danced hiphop, contemporary and even ballet (believe it or not) throughout my teenage years. I attended many performing arts schools, won scholarships and performed in front of thousands of people.

Moving on to the age of 18 I decided to move on to the next stage of my life which focused more on fitness and boxing. I am now currently studying at university to become a personal trainer/P.E teacher or something along those lines. I love boxing and am now a current corporate boxer.
Fitness is my passion and I especially love the outdoors! I have stayed in snowy mountains, rain forests, kayaked, hunting etc.
A type one diabetic Bear Grylls I like to think of myself haha.

I am also a youth leader under PrimalYouth. I love to work with young people and show them the joys of life and help them through everyday teen struggles. I attend an awesome church... "C3 South Centre" in South Auckland, New Zealand; just one of the world wide C3 Churches.

Living such an active lifestyle requires me to be on form with managing my diabetes. Even though I never get my diabetes perfect, I always try my best to make sure I'm on top of it all. I always remind myself that if I don't manage my diabetes properly, I won't be able to perform physically to the best of my ability. Diabetes can be very frustrating when living such an active lifestyle, but it's in the low and hard times of diabetes and life in general that I find develops and grows your character.

I always say that one day diabetics will rule the world, because when we get cured, we will be the strongest people in the world.

Jordan Atama Moore
Auckland, New Zealand