Dumb Luck

I titled my story Dumb Luck because thats how I found out about my health issues.

In December 2008 while at my job I began to feel really dizzy. I went home that night and thought to myself I'll just lay down for a while and I'll feel better. When my wife came home I was still feeling dizzy and she said we're gong to the emergency room.

BP 210/137.....WOW

I was admitted and stayed for 3 days in intensive care. After being released I had a prescription for lisinopril and went on about my business.

I really didn't think about my BP all that much I took the pills until the scrip ran out and then I forgot about it.

About 2 years later I found out I had to take a physical to get a certificate for my job as a truck driver. They check BP and I knew I was going to have to go back to a doctor.

I just picked some guy out of the phone book and made an appointment. Turned out to be the best move I could have made.
Dude was totally cool hooked me up with free meds for BP and got me on a prescription for a pretty inexpensive med. (I didn't have insurance at the time)

Dumb Luck

Of course I didn't take care of myself again and had to go back. I couldn't afford the meds for BP anymore and the doc suggested I enter a drug study he was doing. I agreed and went to the first appointment.

Part of the study involved taking blood for tests. That was on a Friday.

The following Monday I get a call from the nurse doing the study.

Fasting BG 295.....WOW.....I'm diabetic

Dumb Luck

Since then I have lost a lot of weight and I take 1 to 3 shots of Novolog per day depending on my BG numbers. My current average BG number is 160 which as I understand it is tolerable according to my doc.

Don't leave it to Dumb Luck.

Take care of it!

Dan Johnson
Maple Heights, OH