Diabetic Dreams

My daughter turned 12 in Dec 2010, the first week in Jan 2011 she received her 3rd dose of the Gardasil HPV shot, Within the next week we noticed her being more tired, drinking more and just not acting like herself and she was lost lots of weight, but I figured she was just getting a cold... Exactly 2 weeks after the shot was given, My daughter was a grayish/ black color, she was unable to answer my questions or even move. I Immediately
rushed her to the ER... Where the doctor told me she Only has Diabetes, and her level was over 800... I was in shock, how did this happen to my little girl, and how can anyone say "Only diabetes". She was then put on an insulin drip, ect and rushed to ICU in a different hospital 35 minutes away, where she stayed for 6 days. There we were taught the things we needed to know, and when we were released, it was like going back to a world we would never recognize again. Everything was changed for her, which also means as her mother, my world was forever changed and even more worries entered my head. The only hardships we have is the cost of things:( That is a real struggle since I am the only one in the house working a part time job... It has now been over 2 years since her D-day, and she is on an insulin pump, doing better now than she was 6 months ago. Her last eye doctor appointment we was told she has a Cataract in her one eye. But we are blessed to have such a wonderful daughter, since day 1 she refuses to let anyone do her shots or finger pokes, but Her, she has took the responsibility of it all like an adult would have. But being Mom, I of coarse over see everything she does:) She has had 2 hospital visits for Ketones/High Glucose since the beginning. I have to say I am proud of my daughter, and SHE IS MY HERO!!!!!

Caro, MI