
When i was 13 years old i took sick I was always having to go to the restroom and always so thirsty and one night I was just laying around and mom and dad knew something was wrong so they said come on we are taking you to the hospital now so we went and i was to the point where I could barely walk by myself so my mother had to carry me as they was checking me out they said if i would have been there a second to late i would have been in a coma well they done test and it came up I was a type 1 diabetic mom couldn't believe it cause at that age i was no more then 90 pounds max so I stayed in the hospital for 5 nights when they told me I had to take 5 shots a day i didn't think i could do it but i eventually got the hang of it and till this day I am 18 years old and haven't been sent to back to the hospital I have to say im pretty happy of myself and i don't let diabetes get the best of me is pronounced diabetes not die-a-beat-us yeah doctor visits can be a struggle but hey at least im alive and im a true believer of one day there to be a cure <3

Malden, MO