Diabetes is not the end of the world.

My name is Jayla. I am almost 15 years old. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in January 2005. I was in the 1st grade at the time. My first 3 years of having diabetes went pretty uneventful. In Spring of 2007I went into DKA. I got really sick rather quickly. My mom took me to our local hospital who looked at me and sent me home with a diagnoses of the flu. After being at home for a few hours things took a downhill turn. I started throwing up and having chill and horrible chest pains. Mom took me to the hospital where they then sent me by ambulance from our local hospital to the closest children's hospital about 90 minuets away. I ended up in the ICU for about 3 days. Then I went up to a regular floor and stayed another two. Then I went home and struggled to catch up with my school.
Another year passed and I made my way into middle school. During the course of one school year i went into DKA's and hospital stays more then 4 times. Staying caught up with school was impossible. But I managed to keep up somewhat. Schools where not very understanding. I was held back in 5th grade for missing so much time due to being in the hospital or sick.
Years have passed and I am now going into my freshman year of highschool. My diabetes has not changed too much yet I stay very optimistic for this next year. This year brings lot of changes as well. Now I dont have to go to the nurse to take my insulin before lunch. I am aloud to carry my insulin and meter with me and self administer my insulin. If I do go into DKA this year im certain that my friends and teachers will help me catch up. To all of the teen diabetics. Yes diabetes sucks but its not the end of the world. As Nick Jonas put it in his song" A little bit longer and I'll be fine"
Thank You.

Jayla Brock
Jamestown, NY