Brave son influence parents to be strong

Tim Tim is 10 years old from Hong Kong. We rarely give him junk food, he looks fit and healthy recently.

May-Jun 2013, he drank a lot of water and went to toilet very often (Luckily no other serious symtom). My husband checked his urine (Grandfather had Diabetes II, so he got those test paper at home) and it turned to abnormal colour. So we brought him to our family doctor, took some blood and said glucose (fasting) was 10mmol/L (normal iss 4-8mmol/L). Then we were directed to public hospital to have further check, the doctor said he got Diabetes I that he need to have insulin injection 4 times daily in the rest of life and no way to make pancreas better or making more insulin by himself...We were so upset like the end of the day...

During first 5 days at hospital, he was not so use to the 1cm long needle, he cried and we heart broken. But after that he started to use pen type of injection which has 4mm long needle and less painful. Beside poking fingers, he adapted to have shot himself, he pick up fast and don't cry anymore - just after 5 days.

He was discharged from hospital after 9 days, we as parents, need to back on track to take care his diet and monitor his shot. I am blessed he stay strong so that we can be strong.

Honesly, I don't believe insulin injection is the only cure, and there are many news saying there might be cure one day. Let's pray for this day to come!

PS: His face got a lot of acen for at least half year, after insulin shot, they disappear. May be it is a kind of symtom that show imbalance of internal secretion.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong