became Diabetic in my 50's

I did not know anything much about how you can become diabetic. I knew all the classic symptoms but did not realize that a reoccurring bladder infection could be a sign. I was was in shock my number was 7.1 and was told I need to lose weight. The next day after finding out I ate all the junk I could eat because I thought this was end and that I was going to be eating cardboard from now on. Little did I know and learn.
It has been a progress in my journey with being diabetic and there are days I am angry that I have to watch what I eat. I am beginning to accept the fact that I have to be careful and watch what I eat. I have lost weight about 23 pounds and try to walk everyday. I do have to watch the starches because I love them way to much and I am trying to cut down on them. I am eating more vegetables,fruit,fish,whole grains and low fat milk. I have gain a little bit of weight and trying to lose some more so I can stay healthy.
I want to tell people that are new to being diabetic that it gets easier as times goes on and you get used to eating healthier food,just remember to not beat yourself up for eating junk food once in awhile. I wish you all the luck and hang in there!!

Dana Wood
Portland, OR