Bailey's Story

This is Bailey. He is 9 years old and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 2. Like many other stories I read and hear about, Bailey came down with a virus a about three weeks before all of the symptoms began. This started with thirst, constant urination and lack of apatite. He was also very lethargic and had no interest in playing or acting like a normal 2 year old. Unfortunately since he was 2 it was a struggle because he could not communicate what he was feeling with us. After trips to his Pediatrician and children's urgent care, we were given two different diagnosis, which neither was diabetes.

Finally one evening Bailey was in the bath just setting there in a daze. I also noticed that his breathing was very heavy and he was laboring to get breath's. We knew at this point we must get him to the Children's ER. When we arrived he wouldn't respond to anyone! They were waving their hands in front of his eyes, snapping their fingers etc.....still nothing. The Nurse decided to check his blood sugar and this is all it took and the reality hit us......."your child is diabetic".

It's now over 7 years later and he has become an inspiration many of us. Diabetes is all he knows being diagnosed so young he doesn't know anything different. Sure Bailey complains on occasion when it's time to change his pump or a finger check gets in the way of play time or a sporting event, but other than this his as happy and active as any other 9 year old.

Bailey doesn't let diabetes get in the way of anything in his life. He loves baseball and basketball and plays both sports at very competitive levels for this age. He inspires many and is fortunate to have friends and family that help us out which lets him do pretty much anything that any other kid his age enjoys doing.

Let's keep pushing for a cure!

Mike Hopson
Pataskala, OH