About to start first year of high school newly diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes

My beautiful, smart and outgoing 14 year old was diagnosed just 3 weeks ago. She had been getting headaches and was tired all the time. One night she had enough and said she wanted to go to the Doctor. Between the headaches, being tired and thirsty no matter how much she drank she knew something was wrong. We do not have anyone in the family that has been affected with Diabetes but I knew the signs. I took her to the Doctor with the hopes of me being diagnosed as a hypochondriac parent. Fortunately her Pediatrician was amazing and picked up on the symptoms immediately. We were sent to do labs. McKenzie got close to hyperventilating in the lab. Her biggest fear is needles and blood. Within hours she was admitted into the hospital and had dozens of pokes. I was amazed and so proud of how she was taking everything given her fear. She has done amazing with everything these past three weeks. She has kept her levels within normal range, she has made good choices and learned a ton.

Our biggest concern that is being presented now is that she is starting high school in 3 weeks. For most children beginning high school can be a bit scary and intimidating but going into it with this new lifestyle change has been very overwhelming for her. She has always been a very social and fun child that would never miss a day of school unless she was super sick and now she is asking to be home schooled. I have encouraged her to get involved in diabetes groups but she does not want to do that at this point. Any tips, hints or advice from anyone who has gone through this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all! I wish everyone that is dealing with this or have a love one dealing with this all the best, love and comfort possible. xoxo ~ Jamie

Beaumont, CA