A Young Type 2's Story of Hope

I am law student in Houston Texas. At age 31, following my first semester of law school, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I had noticed the symptoms and was in denial about what it could be. Eventually I gathered the strength to visit a doctor and was told that my blood glucose level was near 400. Of course the first question I asked the doctor was, "will I ever be able to get off of medication?" The response was a grim, "It's unlikely." I was devastated. My first round of medication cost me $500, as I was put on cholesterol medication, blood pressure medication, and diabetes medication (Actos). My wife and I were trying our best to work through it, but it was difficult to stay positive. I decided to see another doctor who specialized in diabetics with Type 2 and helping them make lifestyle changes. It was very difficult to get off of the sugary and salty foods with lots of carbs, but I knew that I had to do it not only for myself but for my wife and my daughter. I am proud to say that I have not taken a single pill for diabetes since October of last year, and was taken off f the the cholesterol and blood pressure medication last December. I still check my blood glucose levels at random times and I have not had a single reading over 90. My a1c went from a 9.4 to a 5.6, and I have lost over 60 pounds. I know that we can beat this disease if we educate ourselves on what we consume, I am living proof of that. It's important to remember that we eat to live and not the other way around. Feed your body what it needs and it will be good to you and you won't have to live your life dependent on drugs with scary side effects and sitting in doctor's offices. To your health!

Trenton L Brough
Houston, TX