A change for the better

The year was 2000 and I just became a single mom of a 4 year old. Circumstances we're very hard for my daughter and I that year. I knew many years before I had medical issues, and was not able to obtain insurance. So like most mothers, I made sure my daughter was the one with medical care and I just went on living.

After landing a job at a banking facility and obtaining insurance, I knew I had to get my health back into sink. I knew I wasn't feeling well and there were signs that something wasn't right. After I had broke my toe, I went to the doctor and explained in great detail how I felt. The sweating, my mouth was bleeding, extreme thirst and just no energy. My doctor heard what I said, and asked to take a blood sugar test. A couple of days later, the results were in, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It was quite a shock for me. After that, I changed how I ate, exercised and did my best to take care of myself.

Its been 13 years since that diagnosis, I do not regret the changes I made to my life that year. Not only for my daughter, but it gave me an expansion on my own life. Going without insurance can be a very dangerous thing. Especially when if you have medical conditions that can not be ignored. If I not paid attention to what my body was telling me, I wouldn't be alive today.

Dyana Lyon
Phoenix, AZ