Your boob looks funny !

Emerging from the shower in Feb 2009 after a long night at work in my job as an Emergency Nurse my husband said " your boob looks funny" I look at my self in the mirror and realised my right breast looked sort of flat on the bottom . I just thought it had probably been caught up under the edge of my bra all night and crawled into bed and slept all day. On rising I looked again at my breast in the mirror but this time I lifted my arm and as my arm lifted so did my breast revealing a puckered area underneath. My heart sunk and pieces started falling into place. For a while my right breast had been painful but I couldn't feel any lumps and I had had to buy new bras because my right breast was suddenly larger than my left. I made an appointment to see my Doctor who referred me for a mammogram. The day after the mammogram I was asked to return for a biopsy. I knew then I had cancer. My husband said you don't know that yet but deep down I did. I had the biopsy and the very next day my doctor rang with the news I had lobular breast cancer. The following week I underwent a mastectomy followed by 3 months of chemotherapy and 6 weeks of radiotherapy. My cancer was diagnosed as invasive stage. 2B lobular cancer with 1 positive node from 18 removed. I have since had an elective left mastectomy and bilateral reconstruction and nipple reconstruction. My 5 year anniversary is this September 22 it has been a long road but I AM A BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR !!

Coffs Harbour, Australia