You can survive and thrive

I have had cancer 3 times and my breast cancer was the third one. First at age 23 was uterine cancer. That ended my dream of a large family, but I had two children, a boy and a girl and that's enough. The second time was throat cancer and I couldn't speak at all for 3 months. OK, now that was a bit tough on an Irish lass who has since kissed the Blarney Stone. My doctor gave me a pin to wear that simply said "I can't speak" and I carried pencil and paper everywhere. I was 34 that year.

Then I turned 45, are you catching the age thing here? Every 11 years...well that's when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My husband couldn't take it and left me, I truly believe he would have left me anyway, but the timing sure sucked. I didn't tell the kids because of what they had going in their own lives. Oh, did I mention I was also an Ada Senior at Smith College getting my Bachelor's degree and a busy co-Class- President? I had the surgery after I graduated and moved to upstate NY and luckily got by with a lumpectomy. I got through radiation and the chemo. But finally told the kids because my daughter brought my grandson to visit and I couldn't pick him up and had to explain why.

I'm 58, and no more cancer so I believe I've beat it. But tomorrow I go for my annual mammogram. I now have my PhD. but am disabled, just love learning. Don't simply survive, THRIVE!! My Daddy's motto, and now my own, "Live while you live, then die and be done with it!" He served at Nagasaki and died after 4 forms of cancer...wonder if there's a connection?

Becky McCoy
Denver, CO