You can never say "that would never happen to me"

I was diagnosed with BC in November 2009. I noticed a change in my nipple so i went to see my GP. After all the tests, mammogram, ultrasound & biopsy I was told a week later that it was breast cancer. I was numb for a few weeks, then after seeing the surgeon and knowing that I had to have a right mastectomy just picked myself up and got on with it.

I had my op in December on my son's 13th birthday and started AC-T chemo once a fortnight on the 5th February. Chemo was tough I must admit! I tried to make sure that when the boys came home from school I was up and pottering around. This didn't happen very often! I lost 7 kg's in 8 weeks as I had constant nausea for the first half of chemo. When I started on the Taxol the bone pain took over the nausea feeling. I'm not sure which one I preferred!!

I have now finished chemo and I have started my 25 sessions of radiotherapy. I finish a week before my 38th birthday.

Being diagnosed with breast cancer has given me a whole new outlook on life. I have realised who are important in my life, which I kind of knew anyway but this journey has proved it. Having positive friends and a supportive family has helped me immensely and I can't thank my husband & my mum enough for being my rocks!

Perth, Australia