Why not me..

I was in a accident in early August 2011. I flipped my car, my seatbelt came unlatched and I landed on my right side on the middle console. I walked away without a scratch.
By the end of August I felt a very sharp pain on my right side at my breast area. I was thinking it must be because of that wreck. I schedule an appt with my doctor and she found a spot on my breast and sent me for a ultrasound.
I went to my appt and they found something and had me go ahead an have a mammogram. At the age of 33 I was having my first mammogram. CLEARLY the spot was noticeable.
They made me an appt with another doctor that specializes in that sort of thing and he said with my age and my history of no one having breast cancer it's 99.9% will be benign. So I op to get it removed for testing in mid sept of 2011.
Surgery went smooth I went to the beach at the end of sept. They was suppose to let me know the results and they never called I never went to my follow up cause everything was fine. Or so I thought, in December of 2011 the spot was back and felt even bigger. I had a appt in Jan 2012 and I went to the same doctor to tell them it was back only for them to tell me I had Cancer. It was triple negative breast cancer if that wasn't bad enough I tested positive for the BRCA 1 gene. Which meant I had to do the highest dose of chemo and followed by 6 weeks radiation. They said that the hormones was the fuel to any breast cancer so I had both breast removed and a complete hysteromy all within 2 years.
Now it is July of 2014 I am cancer free with just having reconstruction surgery. People ask me did you ever ask yourself Why you? I responded Why not me...
God works in mysterious ways!!

Ansted, WV