Why "not" me?

I passed my neighbor in the hall as we both were in for our annual mammogram. "Hey, hi...that time of year again?" We smiled and waved and then it was my turn to go in. That day changed my life.
I was 57 when they found 1.4cm HER2 neu+ and Hormone receptor + breast tumor. I had a lumpectomy and started up the chemo.
I never said "why me?", I always said "why not me." Why should it be anyone else but me.....should it be my neighbor that I passed in the hall or should it be a young mother with children in her care? Why "not" me?
Of course, I lost my hair in chemo and then onto 33 rounds of radiations then onto Femara for 5 years. Yes, I am 5 years cancer free....praise God.
I also said, "I am good to go either way." Keeping an attitude of living...... in the moment......not in the past and not in the "what if" future, helped me to have a strong and positive outlook.
Having an amazing support group it vital.....my husband was there every step of the way.
Stay strong, positive, hopeful and live in the moment; it's all any of us have.

Paula A Villarreal
Shelton, WA