Who's more scared ? Me or my friends and family?

I live in a small town, so the news of my Cancer spread faster than the truth. I heard I had 2 months to live before my 2nd Chemo session! I know most of the 960 people who live here, in this mining town, and most of them wouldn't know a positive attitude and it's value if it was on the front page of the local paper!I learned a long time ago that your life is mostly the attitude you choose to live in. Fortunatlly, mine is a very positive one.The realization that I had the right to choose my own attitude was a great epiphany in my life. All of a sudden, negative people no longer rubbed off on me, feeling helpless, hopeless were no longer acceptable to me.Seeing the good of life and all it's possiblities seemed endless, thier was no more time to waste on alll the bad things. Plenty of other people were doing that and not even realizing it! I on the other hand brought my imagination back to life and began to see the world less limited and more open to positve ideas. One of the best was a simple smile with eye contact,hardly a person doesn't reciprocate one, and in one day I can collect a giant bouquet of them, along with giving so many away. I love to see the sparkle in the eyes of someone I know hasn't had a good smile come their way in a while, what and easy and united gift for free! If I could pass this positve philosophy on to anyone and make a difference in their lives it would be a pleasure in my heart because the more it happens , the more happy people. Sincerely,

Susan C. Boren
Wallace, ID