Who me?

My doctor's nurse called "you have missed your annual mammogram, can I schedule for you" she said. Sure let s just get this over with. I got a call days later saying you should come in and retest. No one wants to have a mammogram done twice I thought here we go again. I'm glad my health care team was diligent and insisted, after retesting and an immediate needle biopsy I was told "you have cancer".

The news was confirmed within days and all I could think was.... who me? Not why but who me???? No family history, I'm active, I don't smoke or any other indications that I should have Breast Cancer but I DO! Surgery (lumpectomy) was successful, drain removed and in a week I get my mediport inserted for upcoming chemo. I will follow up with radiation and hormone therapy.

My husband/HERO, and my kids are my strength.. They are my reason for being ok through the newest chapter of my life. Peaks and valleys are ok I have found out. My appreciation for believing, trusting, and letting go have become a way of life for me. I can not do it all but I'm gonna try to do all I can ... 47 is way too young for giving up. Giving up is not an option for anyone including myself.

It has been a whirlwind in less than 10 weeks I still say "who me" but in a different way. My "who me" refers to my next accomplishment., success, and newest victory! I accept and plan on helping the Sister who has to ask, "WHO ME" because we are never alone.

Ashburn, VA