When you're already at your lowest...FIGHT

In July 2010 my husband was diagnoised with Liver Cancer. The Doc said he had 1-2 Years with or without any treatment. I noticed I had a lump on my right Breast. I didn't say anything, my husband was my concern. I've gone to my yearly mammo appts and have no family history of Cancer. We're from the island of Oahu in Hawaii and went to Arizona to the Cancer Treatment Center August 23rd. By then the lump was the size of an egg and hurt when i touched it. I told him and he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said "when we get home call your Doc and make an appt. I know you're worried about me but you have to take care of yourself too." The Doc said they could offer him Chemo, but its just to prolong, it wouln't be a cure. We went home disheartened. September 7th Harold Souza Jr passed. My Doc appt was Sept 10th, did a biopsy and ultrasound on the 18th. On the 23rd my Doc called me at 5:30pm, 5 days before the funeral. I have stage 2 Breast Cancer in my right Breast and right lymph nodes. I was scared, felt so alone and was in shock. I decided right then I'm not ready to die, I want to live, I want to see my daughter have children. My inlaws were there for me, my sister from Kauai would fly in and come to my Chemo appts and my neices would do anything for me too. It shrunk to a pea size and I had a lumpectomy and Radiation completed July 1st. I gained 50+ lbs, my skin changed, my hands and feet are dry, my joints hurt, my hair was to my hip, I lost it All. That is superficial, hair will grow back. What does matter is I have my Life and I am Cancer Free!! I do the Relay for Life and Susan Komen walks for a Cure. Early detection is everything and listen and have Faith in your Doc.

Wendy Souza
Waianae, HI