What's That?

In November, 2004 I was awakened for no reason and couldn't go back to sleep. I decided I'd do a self-check. I seldom did them. I started checking my right breast and found something. "What's that?" I thought. Checked my left breast "No, nothing there." Rechecked my right breast. Went to my doctor who felt it was just a cyst but we'd do another mammogram and to not be surprised if they did a ultra-sound. They did both. During the ultra-sound the red flags never went up as the the tech asked if there was a history "No." I had a mastectomy on Dec. 15. They originally had me scheduled on Dec. 8 my 50th birthday. I had 6 months of chemo and to-date Aug. 2009 I'm cancer free. I've become an encourager & cheerleader for any woman facing cancer.

Spartanburg, SC