What the Heck! I'm only 30!

Just after receiving the "gold star" for reaching my goal
weight with Weight Watchers I discovered the enemy,
Breast Cancer. It was a "God Shot" that they even found it.

I was having "pain" around my ovaries, so I made an appointment to see my OB/GYN to see if there were any ovarian cysts present.
I had them in the past and just wanted to check it out. The doctor told me that I had pulled a ligament in my lower groan area from working out. "Nothing to worry about..." She also decided to give me a "breast exam" and found an old benign cyst I had drained several years back. Since I was a newer patient of hers, she ordered up an ultrasound. I was wondering why waste my time, but it was free, so why not. Good thing I did. The day of the ultrasound, the technologist who performed the scan, viewed the issue my doctor was concerned about and confirmed it was benign but decided to "look around" and found the enemy lurking in a place you couldn't feel it, or even see it in a mammogram. I found out I had both lobular and ductal types of breast cancer so I decided to have a double mastectomy with reconstruction.

That was over five years ago. I am turning 36 in a few months and it's like it never happened, until I look in the mirror and see the scars or the fat that came back.

It's changed my life. I view every day differently. They are gifts, not to be wasted on stuff you don't want to do! I bought a horse and moved to a rural area. And I never fold laundry or clean house if it's a beautiful day outside.

Sheri Olson
Modjeska, CA