What a surprise

I was diagnosed with Invasive High Grade triple negative breast cancer January 2009 the day that rocked my world.
Wow what feelings you experience what decisions need to be made your life just turns upside down for awhile. I entered this new part of my life with everything I had I knew I had to fight and fight hard especially with the triple negative effect.

I had a left side mastectomy Feb. 18, 2009 with tissue expander for reconstruction. I think the biggest part of this was going for fill ups and just laughing as I watched my new breast grow it was a crazy experience you just have to look at the good when you are hit with something so bad.

I started chemo Taxotere and Cytoxan 4/2/2009 what an experience no one can quite prepare you for chemo. It was doable and I prevailed with my last treatment on 6/4/2009. Had a hard time losing my hair I bought every color bandana walmart carries and wore them cheerfully. I also purchased a beautiful wig however I found it made my head itch terribly so I only wore it when I got dressed up. I also have many hats which I wore graciously especially the one with the rhinestone pink ribbon I just love it.

With everything that has happened I have come out of this a much stronger and wiser person than before. I love life and am thankful each morning that I am still here cancer free what a blessing.

For all of you breast cancer is not a death sentence and is something you can overcome. Just take each day a day at a time and you will also prevail.


Linda Tajik
Capistrano Beach, CA