We fought as a FAMILY from the very start!

From the moment we got the news, we all said we are going to beat this with my Mother. We were only positive no negative. The day they operated to remove the lump and lynphnodes, I was caught in a horrible rain storm. When I arrived they told me my Mom was already under some sedation and I could not see her. I fell to the ground hysterical begging please to just look at her-at the same time she was doing the same. They let me see her and all we did was touch hands-a touch has never meant more to me in my life! We didn't speak a word only a touch. I knew she was going to beat it, 9 weeks of radiation later-she was CANCER FREE!!!! 9 yrs now! Keep fighting the fight with POSITIVE! Bless all who have been affected by Breast Cancer. My Mother is my Hero and I'm blessed that She won the Battle!

Melissa Schwartz
New Orleans, LA