Two Year Ordeal With My Husband by My Side Every Step

I was diagnosed in February 2012 with breast cancer. I had a lymph node dissection on March 6th followed by a right mastectomy on March 21st, 2012. After seeing a specialist and my oncologist, it was mutually decided on that I would not have chemo due to studies showing that there was only a 1 or 2% difference in recurrence rates among women who had the same stage and type of cancer I had. So we proceeded with reconstructive surgery. I was not healing properly so the tissue expander had to be removed. I was told to give it time to heal and we would attempt it again. Approximately 6 months went by and it was time to try again. I had gone through the delay surgery prior to what was going to be the tram flap surgery. I ended up having a hematoma in that surgery site. So back into surgery to have that removed and again things were put off for healing time. That put me up to a total of 5 surgeries. While taking time to heal again, I began having heavy vaginal bleeding. So much that I was anemic and needed a blood transfusion (2 units of blood) and a D&C to stop the bleeding. 6 surgeries now! After seeing my gynecologist regarding the bleeding issues, I decided to go through with having a complete hysterectomy that Nov. This was due impart to the bleeding being recurring and because the cancer I had was fueled by estrogen. Removing it all seemed to be ideal- 7th surgery! The next attempt at reconstruction was to have the latissimus flap with the insertion of the tissue expander again (8th surgery). Again I was not healing properly, so back in to have it cleaned (9th surgery). Unsuccessful, so back in to have it removed; It was found that I had MRSA. Lots of antibiotics and time to heal again. 6 months later Insertion of the tissue expander again (11th surgery). I healed, YAY! Time to have the final surgery to put in the breast implant and it was completed, #12.

Charlene Salyers
Amelia, OH