
I always felt very special because my first child was really 2, I had a surprise set of twins. Kimberly and Candice were born in1973 and sonograms were not routinely done.
As they matured, they became closer than ever. One day Kimberly called Candice and told her she should get her baseline mammogram done, since they are both 35 now. Candice had her mammogram just like her sister suggested. After a few weeks Candice received a call from her gynecologist asking her to come in to discuss her results... I went with my daughter and the most horrible words I ever heard came from the doctors mouth - Candice you have breast cancer - I couldn't believe my ears, my daughter was crying, it took everything I had in me to try to stay strong for her...
Candice had a lumpectomy done, and did very well. When we first went to the surgeon she asked "what made her have a mammogram done at 35 since the guidelines are for 40" ? She told the doctor, my twin sister told me to go, and all I can think is what if we waited until my daughter was 40, what if her sister didn't tell her to go, what if her gynecologist tried to talk her out of having that mammogram done, I'm sure I would be writing a different story.
I am a nurse, now I tell everyone I see, go get your mammograms done early, and I thank each and every day that my twins are so close and concerned for each other's well being...
I use to belong to a Twins Club when my girls were little, and I felt very special, but now I feel special because my daughter belongs to another "club" that of Breast Cancer Survivor...

Ronkonkoma, NY