Twins, but not identical!

May 14, 2007. That is the day that everything changed.

My twin sister had a biopsy done on her right breast, I had one on my left breast. Her biopsy was fine, Mine was not. The doctor called and said I had Breast Cancer. Two years earlier I lost my mother to ovarian cancer. I was scared, but informed; and I had the support of my sisters, my children and my husband to hold me up. I had the support of my whole church, and of my community.

After a lumpectomy, and chemo, and radiation, it was time to get back to normal. Only normal is now different. I am a changed person. I was able to experience what it is to know how much people care. I don't look at my experience as a bad thing, but a stepping stone to who I am now. I try and help other women understand what to expect, I forced another sister to go for a mammo (told her doctor on her) and my sister-in-law to go as well. Early detection is the best way to beat cancer. Don't be afraid to have a mammogram. Just do it, and live.

Jean Tjornhom
Dingmans Ferry, PA