Trust Your Instincts!

My story started in January 2014 when I felt a peppercorn-sized lump close to my armpit. After a mammogram and an ultrasound, I was told it was "nothing" and that I just have "dense breasts". My gut said it was something more, and I insisted on a recheck 6 months later at a different radiology center. On July 23, 2014, I was diagnosed with Stage 1, Hormone +, HER2 - Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Because of family history, the density of my breasts, and because I have a young son, I opted for a skin/nipple sparing double mastectomy with reconstruction. I had my first surgery on September 19, 2014. My pathology report came back that my cancer did spread to one of the eight lymph nodes that they removed. Fortunately, it was determined that I did not need chemo (just Tamoxifen). Last week, exactly three months later on December 19, 2014, I had my second (and hopefully last!) surgery to swap out my expanders for my implants.
I feel very fortunate! I trusted my instincts, did my homework, and had support from so family and friends. My surgeries and recoveries were smooth and without incident. I truly hope my journey is over, and am grateful have found a new home in the "Survivor's" club.

Melisa D.
Chatsworth, CA