Truly Blessed

On July 14, 2009 I found a large lump in my right breast. The Good Lord sure wanted my attention.
That is when I had my first meltdown, I cried so hard my eyes were swollen shut and I could neither breath in or out through my nose because it was so full of snot, I had to blow for an hour. How can one nose produce so much snot? The Dr. confirmed that it was a lump to be concerned with and made me an appointment for a Mammogram (oh yeah!) and an Ultrasound. They found Cancer (my second meltdown)
With my wonderful Husband and my Awesome Mom, we talked with my Surgeon and she told me I had Stage II Breast Cancer. That morning I prayed that it be something small, something easily fixed. So Stage II wasn't that bad. But after the Dr. examined me and looked over some other tests, she told me that she might just be able to consider me Stage I. THANK YOU LORD!!! The lump I found was a defiantly a blessing in disguise! So after talking over my options with my husband and Mom, we decided to go with the Lumpectomy, my Cancer was found early and the mass was small.

The Lord was truly with me on my Cancer Journey and was with me every step of the way. I only had to have 4 Chemo treatments instead of 8. And I didn't get all that sick, lost all my hair (head to toe) but it was not as bad as it could have been. Radiation on the other hand, not a fun time. By February I was Cancer Free!!!

"Fighting the Fight...Till I See HIS Face"

Rae Ann
California, MO