too young for cancer

27 years old, mother of two and married to my middle school sweetheart. Life couldn't get much better.
Laying in bed one night I brushed up against what felt like a lump. I couldn't shake the idea of it, and went to the Dr. right away the next day, surely I had to just be over reacting but I thought better safe than sorry. The doctors were very confident at my age the chances of cancer were so unlikely, I shouldn't be concerened as we waited for biopsy results.
It was May 14, 2014 when I recieved the call to come in right away. Once we got through the long and emotional "you have cancer" talk, we started further testing and found out I was not only BRCA1 positive, but also had two more tumors that were spreading quickly. Two weeks later I had a double mastectomy followed by three months of chemo. I just had my second stage of reconstruction and finally feel as though I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
with an army of support support by my side, I have felt I could conquer anything. There is no greater feeling than each day spent with my children and knowing there will be many more.

Sara Martinek
Eau Claire, WI