Too blessed to be stressed!

My journey actually began on July 5, 2014 when I found a lump on my right breast. It was a walnut texture that hurt to the touch. Right then, I said I think this is cancer! I was given a referral to have a mammogram but kept putting it off because of upcoming events that we're going to be taking place with my daughter and son that I didn't want to miss if my hunch was correct. When I finally went to have my exam in December , I had the feeling something was wrong because of the number of people coming in to give me my mammogram. I had a biopsy the same day and waited for my call. December 3, 2014 my doctor called me and gave me the news that I did have breast cancer. My bilateral mastectomy was December 17,2014. January 26, 2015 I began my journey of 6 months of chemotherapy and herceptin 12 month treatment. I am thankful for my life and the people that stuck by me. Yes some have left and others probably feel there isn't anything wrong with me. I have my good days and bad days. I am still in pain from my reconstruction and deal with that pain every day. I smile through it all because I know there are many that did not make it where I am today. I live each day knowing God has blessed me to be thankful and praise Him at all times! God has been good to me!

Terri Jones
Jacksonville, FL