Today i'm 1 year Cancer free

Last September Jimmy and I went to the Dr. for our yearly checkup. My Dr. says to Jimmy “Your wife is perfect!!!” I said “You see Jimmy even the Dr. says so. LOL! A couple of days later I felt a lump on my right breast, within a week I heard those words no one wants to hear “ sorry, you have Cancer”. I went into fighting mode, weird thing I wasn't scared. I decided to just enjoy life as if nothing was wrong because there was nothing I could do until I received a prognosis. So I celebrated Jimmy’s B-day, our Anniversary,finally 24 days later after many tests we met with my Oncologist a day before Jimmy gets laid off, which was a blessing because I knew he wanted to be by my side through this .I was stage 2,over 3.5cm on right breast and a smaller one on left. The Dr. gave me several treatment options, I really didn’t hear any of them. All I knew is that I wanted the tumors out, I wanted a double mastectomy. He said : are you sure? I said “YES", He said “when”..I said “Tomorrow!!!" He said: how about next week! I said “Perfect!" a week later I had a double mastectomy with implants and a lymph node biopsy.My lymph node biopsy came back negative, they removed all the cancer and my Oncotype DX was very low therefore I didn’t need Chemo. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world! Within 6 months I had 2 other surgeries(implants removed and redone and a total abdominal hysterectomy), I feel great now, I’m on Femara ,42 months to go, I have terrible side effects from the meds but I’m Alive and Happy! Thanks to all my friends and family for the love, support, prayers and especially Jimmy who through all 3 surgeries never left my side , He literally pulled a chair, held my hand all night.I never knew someone could love me that much. I am truly blessed! I love my Jimmy! We just celebrated 22 years together and 15 married.

Zoila Benezra
Miami Beach, FL