Those three words....

I was told this past March that I have breast cancer... The scariest two words in my life... I opted for a bilateral mastectomy and underwent that surgery 2 weeks ago.
I do not regret my decision for one second. Even though recovery has been difficult, I have a one and five year old that need me... I have a loving husband who has stood by my side and been my rock thru all of this...
Words cannot express how much I love my family & without their support, I would not have the strength to get thru all of this... My journey is not over yet... I still have to have my reconstruction surgery as well as possible radiation come July...I have read all of these amazing stories on this website and I want to commend each and every one of you that have battled and continue to battle this terrible disease.
All of you inspire me and I am grateful for each and every one of your stories of survival.
It has taken me awhile to post my story, because I still feel as though I have not suffered enough to call myself a cancer survivor... My cancer was detected very early. I feel guilty. I am sure many will read this and think I am crazy... Rest assured, I am not... I pray for a cure and support each and every one of you who are traveling the same road...May faith guide you and may love surround my eyes you are all super heroes....

Trisha A.
Chelmsford, MA