This too Shall Pass

n January 2013, I had gotten my paper from my family doctor to get my mammogram scheduled. Literally the same week, I was in the shower drying off and looked across in the mirror thinking to myself, "I need to soon dye my hair again". As I am looking, I see an indent on my left breast. I felt it and discovered it was a large lump that was causing the indentation. I immediately called to schedule that mammogram that I wasn't even late for. The findings were as I suspected....cancer. Throughout the next months and year, I went through several needle biopsies, PET Scans, mastectomy, removal of 26 lymph nodes ( 20+ already cancerous), chemotherapy, radiation, Herceptin for a year and Tamoxifen for several years to come. Apparently I have dense tissue and the lump did not show up in previous mammogram. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Metastatic Breast Cancer but it could have been worse, had I not went and had the mammogram immediately upon finding the lump. I was not a candidate for reconstruction but I have learned over the past year that there are some things you can learn to live without. During the time of my surgery was when the bombing at the Boston Marathon took place last year and I thought to myself, I am very fortunate to only have to go through my life without a breast and not lose a limb like those precious people.
None of us ask to go through these battles in life. And we often have to wonder why. I have learned in the past year, that its ok to wonder why. A year later, I am on the road to recovery. I still consider myself a fighter and hesitate to use the word survivor yet, even though I know I can. I tell others so often the words that I need to remind myself of daily, "This too Shall Pass"! It does get better and there is life on the other side of your cancer diagnosis! Hang in There and Be Strong! Fight Like A Girl!

Arlene Miller
Glen Rock, PA