This Can't Be Happening To Me!

In May 2010, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My worst nightmare had come true. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, I heard the words but my head was spinning, this wasn't really happening to me! Because I had lost my mom to this horrible disease I was probably the most "pro-active" person I knew when it came to breast cancer awareness. I started having annual mammograms at the age of 35. Every little calcification...I had checked, rechecked and biopsied if necessary. I did self-breast exams often (not every month) but every couple! After every mammogram I would wait for that letter...the one that says "We are pleased to inform you that there is no evidence of breast cancer on your recent mammogram." Whew...clear again!!

I received one of those letters on November 2009 ahhhh....I'm good! So, in April, 2010 while lying in bed reading a book and my hand brushed up against something in my right breast...I thought this can't be anything...5 months ago I had a normal mammogram!! It takes years for something this big to grow...there must be an explanation. I saw my doctor on Monday at noon. I had the feeling that this wasn’t going to turn out well! Not only did I have one tumor, I had two and both tested positive for cancer with one lymph node involved. 10 days after the biopsy I had a bi-lateral mastectomy followed by 8 rounds of chemo, then had my reconstructive surgery.

Now, I've talked to many doctors asking the same question to all of them. How did 2 tumors, 1.1cm and 1.7cm go un-noticed by mammograms all this time?! The only consistent answer I get is "Mammograms are the best tool we have right now...but they are not a perfect science." 15-20% fail...I fell into that percentage group.

My words of advice- ladies, check your breasts. It might just save your life!

Tracey Sherman
Valencia, CA