Third Time's a Charm

I was first diagnosed with breast cancer on New Year's Eve 2003. I had suspected the diagnosis was coming, but that didn't temper the fear and grief. We had adopted our daughter the same year, and had only had her home 10 months. I could not get my mammogram scheduled before our adoption travel, and being an overwhelmed new mom I'd postponed it twice after coming home. Of course leading up to the diagnosis were exams, scans and a biopsy in December. It was the worst Christmas I ever had.

I filled 2004 not only with being mom to a toddler, but a double mastectomy, chemo and radiation. I was tired and sick, lost all my hair and discovered some women are pretty bald, and I am not one of them.

Following 2004, I had clear scans for 3 years! I was over 1/2 way to the 5 year survivor mark when a routine bone scan found the cancer had returned in 2 vertebrae. I underwent a vertebralplasty--a procedure I'd never heard of before, but one that stabilized my back and helped kill the cancer. I underwent radiation, then 8 months of a different chemo--no hair loss and minimal sickness!

Following that bout with cancer, I had clear scans for 16 months, when pain in my leg and another bone scan revealed the cancer had returned, this time in my hip bone. I'm currently undergoing the same chemo regimen I did last time, preceeded by radiation on the hip.

I've learned so much through all this. Life is unpredictable! Every day is a blessing. Listen to your body and trust your instincts. Everyone is stronger than they think they are, and can do whatever it takes. And I can never repay the medical professionals who have literally saved my life.

Kathy Fuhler
Conway, AR